Sunday, December 29, 2019

Specific Learning Disabilities in the Classroom

Specific Learning Disabilities (SLDs) is the largest and fastest growing disability category in public schools. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004 (IDEA) defines SLDs: The term specific learning disability means a disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or in using language, spoken or written, which disorder may manifest itself in the imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell, or do mathematical calculations. In other words, children with specific learning disabilities have trouble speaking, writing, spelling, reading and doing math. Types of SLDs Specific Learning Disabilities can include perceptual disabilities and Specific Learning Disabilities my significantly impair a childs ability to succeed in school, but not limit a child so much that he or she cant successfully participate in the general education curriculum with support. Inclusion and SLDs The practice of placing children with learning disabilities in classrooms with normal or, as special educators prefer it, typically developing children is called inclusion. The best place for a child with Specific Learning Disabilities is an inclusive classroom. This way he or she will get the special support they need without leaving the classroom. According to IDEA, the general education classroom is the default position. Before the re-authorization of IDEA of 2004, there was a discrepancy rule, which required a significant discrepancy between a childs intellectual ability (measured by IQ) and their academic functioning (measured by standardized Achievement Tests). A child reading below grade level who did not score well on an IQ test might have been denied special education services. That is no longer true. Challenges That Children With SLDs Present Understanding the nature of specific deficits can help a special educator design instructional strategies to help the disabled learner overcome difficulties. Some common problems include: Difficulty discriminating visual information, which can include dyslexia.Difficulty processing visual or auditory information.Difficulty organizing information visually or sequentially.Difficulty understanding the relationship between symbols and auditory or numerical ideas. SLD Children Benefit From Structured small group instructionDirect Instruction, often using repetitive and highly structured programs for reading and math.Repetitive practice at the students level of success.Support called Specially Designed Instruction (SDIs) which can include everything from small group instruction to frequent stretch breaks. Buyer Beware Some publishers or helping professionals offer programs or materials which they claim will help a child with Specific Learning Disabilities overcome their difficulties. Often referred to as Pseudo-Science these programs often depend on research that the publisher or practitioner has dummied up or anecdotal information, not real, reproducible research.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Essay about Shopping for Non-violence - 2319 Words

Shopping for Non-violence Last quarter in my ethics and society class, I found myself in a personal dilemma: As we read and discussed non-violence, I found myself increasingly siding with those philosophers who say that non-violence is impractical in our society today, mostly because they had concrete evidence that non-violence doesnt work, and I didnt have any concrete evidence that it does. Indeed, non-violence looks good on paper, and seems like it would function well; there would be less blood in our world, and instead more conversations, more peace between people and nations. But I found myself asking, if non-violence is so great a philosophy, why hasnt it caught on? As a person who has always considered herself a†¦show more content†¦This argument is rooted in the belief that human nature is fundamentally good. That is, every person can only kill so many innocent people before going insane with guilt. Therefore, reacting to aggressors with violence is simply unnecessary; there is no need to sto p with violence what will eventually be stopped by pure good will alone. In addition, Gandhi points out that a non-violent people resisting an oppressor would be very difficult to rule. Their boycotts and protests would set the economic and political systems of the society askew, †¦and the tyrant (would) not find it worth his while to go on with his terrorism (Gandhi 332). Furthermore, suppose these oppressed people not only refrained from violence, but actually loved their oppressors, and let them see that they (had) not a trace of ill will against them (Gandhi 334). Gandhi argues that this love would reach up to (the oppressor) and his eyes would be opened; he would eventually stop his aggression out of love (Gandhi 334). 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Pest Analysis of Tyre Industry Free Essays

PEST ANALYSIS OF TIRE INDUSTRY Tire Market in India is growing strongly and their production increasing from every year. In 2005, there were 40 tire manufacturing companies working in India which was consisted of major big brands in tire industry such as Good year, MRF, Falcon Tires and Bridge stones etc. we apply pest analysis on this market to check at what extent political, economical, technological and social factors are affecting this tire industry in India. We will write a custom essay sample on Pest Analysis of Tyre Industry or any similar topic only for you Order Now POLITICAL: The government policy is much favored too local manufactures as said by the managing director of Goodyear India in 2005 that the tire market in India was almost exclusively dominated by local players and 90% of all tires on the Indian market were made and sold by the local Indian companies so Big companies like Good year, Michelin etc are hardly visible in India Tire Industry â€Å"Indianized† Government is providing more leverage to the local market that the foreign tire companies coming towards India. In 1926, when big giants in tire manufacturing like Dunlop, American firestone, Goodyear and Italian Ceat had much capital started their production plant in India than this had been a big treat for the local tire market. So Indian Government Immediately took an action and made a policy that if any foreign tire manufacturing company wanted to start their tire business in India than they had to act as locally and their names also seemed like locally such as Dunlop changed into Dunlop India and from Goodyear to Goodyear India. This â€Å"Indianized† process speeded up with the acquisition of most of the subsidiaries of foreign companies that operated in India: Firestone was bought by Modis in the early 1980s and Ceat and Dunlop were taken oven by RPG. Agreements with other foreign companies: There are many contracts and agreement of Indian companies with other foreigner companies which are as follows: * Under the Bangkok agreement, car and two wheelers tires were imported from china and South Korea at 10 percent custom duty. These imported tires had an average price 30 percent lower than tires sold by Indian companies. Some Indian companies like Apollo and JK tires tried to collaborate with Chinese companies in order to jointly produce cross ply tires. * In 1984, there was a agreement between the Indian and Japanese companies to get the model of Maruti 800 from Japanese company. * Ford and Dacia Logan are soon to be manufacture under the agreement by the Indian company with the foreign companies. ECONOMICAL: Growth of tire industry: The tire industry is growing in India day by day. In 1926, first tires were made by British company Dunlop. This gave rise to flourish of tire industry in India. When Cross ply tires were first introduced than 65 % of tire sales in India were covered by cross ply tires. But with the introduction of radial tire, radial tires represented 85% of car tire sales by volume. All the tire manufacturing companies are increasing their shares because tire industry in India is grooming with every year. In 2005, MRF, Apollo and JK tires had a tough competition and had a tough competition between them. Increases price of raw material: The prices of natural rubber and petroleum, which are essential components for the manufacturing of tires, becoming higher and higher which is badly effecting the tire manufacturing industry. TECHNOLOGY: SOCIAL: How to cite Pest Analysis of Tyre Industry, Papers